Egyptian Tarot readings using unique methods developed by Nelise Carbonare Vieira, a Brazilian healer with almost 40 years of experience on tarot consultations, as well as past life regression therapy.
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Nelise’s timeline spread allows for accurate time predictions, it can help to pinpoint when an important event may occur, as well as analyze the stages in one’s personal development. This spread can unveil information about multiple aspects of one’s life, such as romantic, professional or social. |
Nelise developed two methods that deal sole with one’s Love Life:
- The Synergy of the Pyramid, that focuses on a specific relationship: One side for the consultant and one for their partner. (the partner does not need to be present during the reading). The reading analyses the relationship in conjunction, as well as what it means for each individual. Within the pyramid there is a timeline chronologic setting, that discusses past, present and future of the relationship in a month by month basis.
- The Mandala of Love spread that can coach somebody in his or her love life. It helps you identify what makes you sparkle, what makes you attractive and what kind of partner you attract. It also discusses what you learned from past relationships, and what type of relationships the future may bring you.
- For Your Professional Life only:
-The Key to Success Spread is also a Mandala style spread that will helps you identify what makes you shine as a professional. What are your gifts and talents, what skills have you developed and still needs to be developed, in what stage are you in your personal development?
Childhood and Past Lives Regression: In this session, Nelise goes into an altered state of consciousness and sense the consultants energy, their stories and metaphors that aid in the identification of your gifts and endowments, reviling gems that were submerged in trauma and repression. In the end of the section, Nelise discusses the symbols and scenes captured during the regression and help the consultant associate those to their lives. This reading helps the reader identify and release energetic nodules, thus producing significant changes in patterns of repetitive behavior.
It is especially recommended for people suffering from mental, mood and self-esteem challenges.
Minimum for this session: $200 dollars |
More about Nelise Carbonare |