23 - The Laborer

Building a foundation for a new structure

King of Wands
The Laborer

You've been working a lot. You want to create stability, and you've just encountered activities and connections that can help you establishing that. You realized that you have lots of seeds in your hand, and good soil to sow them into. You have the ability to plant. Just do it! Special opportunities will show the moment when you can lay that stepping stone and give the first step towards your stability.

Time to: Get Married, move to a new home, begin a new job, set up a new routine, sow your plan.

Love life: If you are a woman, can you see a man around you? Someone who sometimes acts like a boy? He's working hard, trying to structure himself, but is still a little fragile. He wants to get engaged, get married and be in a stable relationship; and you can count on him for that. In the other hand, he may be too young for you.

If you are already in a relationship: time to build or care for your home and family.

At Work: Beginning of a new job or project that will bring you stability.